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BlogHow inoculants can help increase slurry fertilizing valueManure and slurry are valuable fertilizing elements, providing organic matter for the soil and crops. However, management and handling — from the farm to the field — can lead to logistical and agronomic difficulties. With an estimated 27 m3 of […]
Apr 12, 2023
BlogDeveloping nutrition sub-models that account for live yeast fiber effectWith skyrocketing feed prices, tools that can help maintain the profit margin on a farm are critically important. Our ruminant R&D team recently gathered new data to quantify the effects of ruminant live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077 (LEVUCELL SC) […]
Apr 6, 2023
BlogHeat stress can disturb dairy cows postpartum, could producers find solutions through nutrition?Heat stress can disrupt milk production, but new tools are available to help nutritionists and farmers around the world estimate their losses — and take steps to regain production. Plus, recent research investigates the link between heat stress, immune response, […]
Apr 6, 2023
BlogInside a bacteria plant: the art and science of producing quality bacteriaBacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth and they exist under a plethora of forms adapted to any environment, or inside our bodies. Certain strains have been carefully selected for specific industrial or food applications and […]
Apr 3, 2023
BlogSlurry inoculants help reduce ammonia emissions, cut fertilizer and labor costsManure and slurry are valuable fertilizing elements, providing organic matter for the soil and crops. However, management and handling — from the farm to the field — can lead to logistical and agronomic difficulties. Depending on spreading conditions, it may […]
Mar 14, 2023
BlogInside a yeast plant: producing quality live yeast for animal nutritionIf the commercial production of baker’s yeast goes back as far as the end of the 19th Century, the production of carefully selected yeast strains, as used for animal nutrition purposes is much more recent and based on technological and […]
Mar 13, 2023
BlogYeast cell walls are not limited to MOSYeast cell walls (YCW) are the insoluble fraction of autolyzed or hydrolyzed yeasts, obtained after the separation from the cytoplasmic content. They are sometimes referred to as “MOS”, but it is a misnomer! YCW are not limited to mannan oligo-saccharides […]
Mar 13, 2023
BlogLallemand’s hydrolyzed yeast offers unmatched protein digestibility kineticsIn 2022, Lallemand Animal Nutition introduced to the market YELA PROSECURE, a specifically designed hydrolyzed yeast. YELAPROSECURE was developped to offer highly digestible and functional nutrients that support animal performance, digestive care and feed palatability while contributing to the feed […]
Feb 10, 2023
BlogMake the most of your corn silage this winterControlling the cost of production on a farm is crucial to achieving and maintaining profitability in a continuingly challenging dairy and beef market. An area where all producers can take control of costs is to produce the best quality corn […]
Feb 7, 2023
BlogUnlock the quality of fiber!Fiber is a critical component of the plant cell wall and provides both structural support and protection against disease and weather stress. Fiber is resistant to degradation by the digestive enzymes of most monogastric animals. Ruminants, on the other hand, […]
Feb 7, 2023