Not all products are available in all markets nor associated claims in all regions.
Product details
BIOPOWER SC is approved to be used in Canada under registration number 982800, 982803, and 983776.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)-APPROVED CLAIMS: When fed as directed, BIOPOWER SC:
- Increases milk production in lactating dairy cows
- Increases average daily gain in beef cattle
- Increases milk production in lactating dairy goats
- Increases milk production in dairy sheep
- Increases average daily gain in sheep for fattening
- Improves fiber digestibility in horses
How it works
S. cerevisiae CNCM I-1077 stimulates the growth and colonization of fiber-digesting microbiota, improving the availability of nutrients captured from the diet to support animal performance.1
In ruminants, the active live yeast found in BIOPOWER SC decreases the production of lactate-producing bacteria, S. bovis. In response, stimulating the production of lactate-utilizing bacteria, M. elsdenii and S. ruminantium, to increase rumen pH and decrease the animal’s exposure to Sub Acute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA).2
Why it matters
BIOPOWER SC enhances feed efficiency and diet digestibility, improving performance without increasing dry matter intake.3,4 Lactating dairy cows saw a 3% improvement in feed efficiency, milk and milk component yield and calves from beef cows supplemented with BIOPOWER SC achieved 7% more gain and 5% higher weaning weights.3,5 Producers can rely on BIOPOWER SC for a positive return on investment thanks to increased performance and production from improved animal health and well-being.
Formulated for success
BIOPOWER SC is formulated for easy inclusion in feeds and supplements.
Learn more about Lallemand’s patented ME technology, developed to ensure maximum product viability throughout feed pelleting, storage, and transport.
1 Chaucheyras-Durand F. et al., INRA France, 2015, J. Appl. Microbiol. 120:560-570.
2 Nocek. J.E. 1997. Bovine acidosis: implications on Laminitis. J Dairy Sci 80: 1005-102
3De Ondarza, USA, 2010. Prof. Anim. Sci. 26: 661-666
4 Supported by more than 70 publications. More information available in BIOPOWER SC Research Bibliography.
5 Adams, P.R., et al, 2024. J. Animal Sc.102(S3): 334-335