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Did you know? Cows have a very strong sense of smell!
Did you know that cattle, like many animals, have a much stronger sense of smell than humans? In comparison to humans, cattle can detect much smaller differences in odor concentration.
Cattle select their food based on smell, that’s why sometimes you can see them sorting through the feed ration. If some of the feed smells bad, they will leave it! It is estimated that they can sense a smell up to six miles away, and cattle know when their meals are being served well before they can hear the tractor! Cows dislike the smells of dung and saliva. That’s why producers should make sure their feeding areas are kept clean. When selecting forage and feed, it is crucial to make sure it smells fresh and appetizing to ensure suitable intake.
Want to see how cows select silage by smell?
Safety tip
If you want to smell silage for yourself, be careful. Don’t sniff it directly your hands because silage might include harmful spores and volatiles. Spread your silage sample over a flat surface and use your hand to fan the odor up to your nose.
Published Mar 15, 2024 | Updated Jan 27, 2025