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WebinarsWebinar: Hyperprolific sow: farrowing process, piglet vitality and immunityExpert: Claudio OLIVIERO, DVM, Adjunct Professor of Diseases, Reproduction and Herd Health in Pigs at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Host: David SAORNIL, DVM, Product Manager, Swine applications, Lallemand Animal Nutrition, France. Duration: 1 hour Summary: The use of hyperprolific sow […]
Jun 19, 2020
White PapersEnhancing the feed utilization of laying hens with probioticsThe digestive microbiota plays a central role in digestion and gut health. It is estimated that, in poultry, 5 to 30% of the total energy requirement is provided by the microbiota. Discover in this 6-page white paper how a probiotic […]
Jun 19, 2020
WebinarsWebinar: Nutritional solutions for lactating sows under heat stressExpert: Bruno SILVA, researcher, and professor in swine nutrition and environmental adaptation, Institute of Agricultural Sciences ICA, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil. Host: David SAORNIL, DVM, Product Manager, Swine applications, Lallemand Animal Nutrition, France. Duration: 1 hour Summary: Under conditions of […]
May 27, 2020
BlogLive yeast helps maintain dairy cow performance, feeding behavior and rumen health during periods of heat stressA recent study published in the Journal of Dairy Science by the team of Professor José E.P. Santos from the University of Florida (Perdomo et al., 2020) indicates that the rumen specific yeast LEVUCELL SC helps alleviate the negative effects of heat stress on feed efficiency in dairy cows.
May 22, 2020
White PapersHyperprolific sows: focus on digestive welfareHyperprolific sows are notably different from standard sows, so it is important to adapt their diet to satisfy their increasing nutritional requirements. Discover how a probiotic yeast can help address the challenges faced by hyperprolific sows and support their digestive […]
Apr 29, 2020
White PapersAssessment of heat stress risks in dairy and beef cattle and live yeast benefitsHeat stress is a growing concern in dairy and beef production with a strong impact on performance. Find out how to assess heat stress thanks to the observation of common animal indicators, and discover the power of rumen-specific yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM […]
Apr 27, 2020