Levucell SC SUMMERSHIELD builds resilience to heat stress through improved rumen function.


Not all products are available in all markets nor associated claims in all regions.

Product detailsFeatures BenefitsApplications and dosage
Product Description

Product details

* Not all products are available in all markets nor associated claims allowed in all regions.


  • Rumen specific live yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077
  • Hydrolysed yeast
  • Organic plant extracts
  • Organic oat feed carrier
  • Approved for use in organic farming systems


  • Improves rumen function during heat stress
  • Minimises inflammation and negative impacts on feeding behaviour
  • Improves feed efficiency and milk performance with positive consequences on lameness & fertility
  • More effective than traditional rumen buffers

Applications and dosage

Dairy cows: 50 grams/head/day

Beef cattle: 40 grams/head/day

Sheep & goats: 20 grams/head/day

Levucell SC SUMMERSHIELD should be fed across all the daily feeds, e.g. for dairy cows fed twicw a day include 25 grams per head with each feed.

Supplied in a 20kg bag

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