Measuring hen droppings
Droppings can be a useful visual indicator of poultry gut health. Use this scoring scale to assess the droppings and gut health of your flock.

What will you find inside the droppings scorecard?
A simple system based on a score of 1-5
Visual aid tool to help identify healthy and compromised birds
Easy to follow top tips for using the scorecard
Please complete the form below to download and/or request your scorecard.
The use of the specific probiotic bacteria Pediococcus acidilactici CNCM I-4622 (MA18/5M) (Bactocell), improves feed efficiency by utilising sugars which are non-digestible for the bird and producing lactic acid. The lactic acid can be used as a digestible energy source for the bird, as well as reducing gut pH which limits the development of pathogens and favours beneficial bacteria population development. Bactocell can also reinforce the birds immune system and vaccination response.
For more information on Bactocell click here
* Not all products are available in all markets nor associated claims allowed in all regions.
Published Jun 22, 2023 | Updated Sep 29, 2023