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Enhancing sheep and goat farming through nutrition

A close-up of a goat facing the camera, with several goats in the background inside a barn filled with hay.

Sheep and goat farming is a key agricultural sector with room for improvement in efficiency and production. Innovations in nutrition and management strategies are two areas where gains can be made.

According to the FAO’s annual food outlook report from June 2023, a 1% increase in global sheep and goat meat production is anticipated, reaching 16.8 million tonnes. With these numbers, optimizations can result in large global improvements. Research and expertise continue to grow, offering new ways to enhance sheep and goat farming’s performance and sustainability.

The feed industry has witnessed a plethora of innovations, particularly in nutrition practices. We are working with a group of researchers to support sheep and goat farming and help meet the industry’s main challenges. Here is a summary of key trial results.

Managing the transition phase in sheep and goat farming

During late pregnancy and early lactation, ewes and goats face significant nutritional challenges due to increased energy demands.

According to Antonello Cannas, Professor of Animal Nutrition at the University of Sassari in Italy, optimizing feed intake is crucial, focusing on forage quality, particle size and appropriate supplements. Grouping animals by body condition and pregnancy stage, along with tailored rations and automated feeding, can help meet their high energy needs efficiently.

“The total energy requirement per kg of body weight of a goat producing 5 kg/d of milk (or sheep producing 3.7 k/d of milk) is equivalent to that of a cow producing 61 kg/d of milk” Cannas explains.

Importance of colostrum quality

Colostrum quality and quantity are crucial for newborn growth, providing essential nutrients and antibodies. Research by Lysiane Duniere, Researcher at INRAe Theix in France, indicates that oxidative stress and diseases can impair colostrum during gestation. A study showed that adding live yeast to the diet of pregnant ewes improved colostrum quality and lamb robustness, with supplemented lambs being +270 grams heavier on average. Additionally, antioxidants like organic selenium are advised for pregnant animals to enhance the antioxidant quality of colostrum.

Preparing for healthy weaning

Research by David Yáñez-Ruiz, Senior Scientist at the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) in Granada, Spain, highlights the critical period following the birth of ruminants, where their digestive systems undergo significant development. The transition from a non-ruminant to a fully functional ruminant is crucial for their health and growth. Implementing strategic nutrition practices, including the provision of high-quality colostrum, milk, starter concentrates, and forage, is essential. Additionally, incorporating live yeast into the diet has been shown to support the anatomical development of the rumen, leading to improved digestion and overall well-being of the animals during and after weaning.

Supporting sheep and goat health with high-quality silage

Duniere at INRAe Theix and Bernard Andrieu, Silage Technical Manager, highlighted that optimal hygiene and quality silage is crucial for animal health and depends on controlled fermentation and dry matter. Research indicates that high-quality silage boosts beneficial fibrolytic bacteria and reduces pathogens, enhancing animal health. Silage inoculants play a vital role in this process, with studies on dairy goats showing that better silage quality thanks to inoculants translates into better milk quality through improved rumen function and immune response.

TO LEARN MORE: Hear from Professor Antonello Cannas for an “Expert Interview” on acidosis and nutrition management in small ruminants

Our integrated nutritional approach

Every aspect in the life of sheep and goats is crucial to success – in both milk and meat production. As a global leader in the science of fermentation, and a primary producer of yeast and bacteria, our mission is to harness microorganisms to improve performance and maintain animal health, optimise silage management (e.g. MAGNIVA), and the animal microbial environment. Our specific nutritional solutions for sheep and goats help manage rumen function to improve feed efficiency (e.g. LEVUCELL SC), as well as support antioxidant status (e.g. ALKOSEL and MELOFEED) for optimal performance and well-being.

Published Jul 15, 2024 | Updated Jul 16, 2024

Dairy GoatRuminantsSheepSmall ruminants