Transition cows: Total digestive tract inflammation and permeability at the center of transition challenges

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Research highlights links between “leaky epithelium” and overall inflammation in cows during the calving transition period.

The calving transition period subjects cows to various metabolic stresses that can have an impact on milk production, producer profitability, cow health, longevity and welfare.

Effective transition management aims to enhance rumen preparation to optimize the start of lactation and improve cow performance, while supporting the calf’s development and digestive health.

Download our white paper to explore holistic transition management, with a focus on new research highlighting inflammation as a key factor in transition disorders.

What you will find inside this white paper

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Why cows experiment inflammation around calving

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The link between leaky gut, mammary gland and uterus in the offset of inflammation

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How inflammation and immune activation consume energy, impacting animal performance

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How to keep inflammation under control!


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Published Nov 25, 2024 | Updated Jan 27, 2025

Dairy cowRuminantsTransition