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The Great Corn Silage Showdown: MAGNIVA Platinum 3 vs. The Yeasty Invaders

The Great Corn Silage Showdown: MAGNIVA Platinum 3 vs. The Yeasty Invaders

Once upon a sun-drenched farm, nestled in the faraway valley of Miner, NY, USA, there existed a mystical research facility known as the Forage Centre of Excellence. Here, clever scientists and wise cows gathered to discuss matters of the utmost importance: the quality of their beloved corn silage.

Now, corn silage was no ordinary snack. It was the lifeblood of the farm, the golden treasure stored away in bunkers and silos. But alas, there was trouble brewing. The dreaded undesirable Yeasty Invaders — tiny troublemakers with a penchant for mischief, causing the silage to get heated and distressed.

Enter the forage inoculant, MAGNIVA Platinum 3, the superhero of the silage world! With its magical powers (okay, maybe just some sound science), it promised to transform ordinary corn silage into a feast fit for cattle royalty. But there was a catch: some skeptical farmers doubted its abilities. “Does it really add value?” they whispered, their pitchforks at the ready.

Undeterred, MAGNIVA Platinum 3 embarked on a daring quest. Spreading its enchanting formula over the corn silage, turning it into a shimmering treasure. The silage danced with joy, its stability improving faster than a chicken chasing a grasshopper.

But here’s the twist: when the silo was opened, the difference wasn’t visible to the naked eye. The treated silage looked like its ordinary untreated counterpart. Yet, behind the scenes, a battle raged. The Yeasty Invaders, confused by MAGNIVA’s secret weaponry, retreated like startled squirrels, never to be seen again.

And lo, the subsequent total mixed ration (TMR) felt the change. It sighed with relief, its temperature dropping like a snowflake in July. The yeast population, once heated and troublesome, now resembled a well-behaved knitting club. MAGNIVA had worked its magic, unlocking the silage treasure.

Stability of TMR with and without MAGNIVA Platinum 3 reated corn silage

But wait, there’s more! Reduced yeasts meant happier cows, gobbling up their TMR with gusto. No more dry matter loss woes or wasted feed — just contented cows and farmers. And if you listen carefully, you will hear farmers whisper “Unlock the treasure with MAGNIVA!” over the beautiful landscapes of Miner.

Remember not all yeast are pesky invaders, in fact some yeasts are friendly and are happy to work at keeping cattle’s precious rumen balanced and functioning efficiently.

Story based on a new trial carried out at the Forage Centre of Excellence, in Miner, N.Y., in 2023. MAGNIVA Platinum 3-treated corn silage stabilised TMR heating compared to untreated corn silage. Cooler, more stable TMR results in better dry matter intake and milk production.

Published Mar 14, 2024 | Updated Mar 17, 2024


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