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Latest findings help optimise dairy production in the face of heat stress  

Latest findings help optimise dairy production in the face of heat stress  

As climate change intensifies, UK dairy farms face increasing challenges. With summers growing warmer, heat stress has become a significant issue affecting milk production, and cow health, welfare, and fertility. A pioneering study has provided new practical insights 

Understanding heat stress: a critical issue for dairy farms

Heat stress occurs when cows are unable to dissipate heat effectively, leading to elevated body temperatures that adversely affect their physiological functions.  

This condition is particularly critical in dairy cattle due to their high metabolic heat production from rumination and milk production processes.  

As temperatures rise, cows experience stress that can lead to decreased milk production, altered milk composition, reduced feed intake, and impaired fertility.  

Recognising the signs and mitigating the effects of heat stress is essential to maintaining the health and productivity of dairy herds. 

Key signs of heat stress

  • Increased respiration rate
  • Panting or drooling
  • Increased standing/reduced lying time
  • Fewer, bigger eating bouts
  • Less rumination activity (acidosis)
  • Decreased feed intake and milk yield

Three key findings to help inform your heat stress strategy

A pioneering study by Lallemand Animal Nutrition, in collaboration with Dr Tom Chamberlain, has provided insights into the impacts of heat stress on UK dairy farms as climate change intensifies and summers grow warmer.  

This extensive monitoring across various UK dairy farms highlights the impact heat stress could be having on our farms.  

Our data reveals cows begin to exhibit heat stress symptoms at temperatures as low as 20°C, with milk yield reductions starting from 18°C.
2023 data highlighted drastic temperature and humidity shifts, complicating adaptation for cows and resulting in milk yield losses averaging 2.2 litres per cow per day during peak heat stress periods.
In 2023, all monitored farms with housed cows experienced significant heat stress. Grazing cows were also affected, with only one farm reporting no heat stress impacts during peak periods.

How to manage heat stress on your farm

Management techniques: Evaluate the environment the cows are in. Enhancing natural ventilation and installing high-velocity fans can significantly improve air circulation and heat dissipation, providing a cooler environment for the cows. These measures not only prevent heat build-up, but also enhance overall cow comfort and welfare. 

Siesta grazing: Adopt siesta grazing to manage heat exposure by altering grazing schedules to cooler periods of the day. 

Supplemental feeding: Use Levucell SC Summershield, a specialised feed supplement designed to enhance rumen function and resilience during heat stress. Our trials show notable improvements in milk quality and overall cow health. Read more here.

How can live yeast help mitigate the impacts of heat stress?

Levucell SC Summershield, is a cutting-edge feed supplement designed to optimise rumen function during heat stress conditions

How can live yeast help mitigate the impacts of heat stress?

Levucell SC Summershield, is a cutting-edge feed supplement designed to optimise rumen function during heat stress conditions.

Levucell SC Summershield helps stabilise milk yield and quality despite fluctuating temperatures. This stability is crucial for maintaining profitability during heat-stressed months.
Levucell SC Summershield has been shown to help cows maintain their appetite during hot weather. Consistent feed intake is vital for sustaining milk production and overall herd health.
Levucell SC Summershield have improved rumen function during heat stress.
Beyond production metrics, Levucell SC Summershield contributes to overall cow well-being. Animals show fewer signs of heat stress, such as panting and lethargy, which are common in high temperatures.
The past few years we’ve also noticed changes in our milk quality, with butterfat levels dropping in the summer. But this year we fed Lallemand’s live yeast, Levucell SC Summershield, to our milking cows which has helped to maintain milk quality.

Explore the latest research on heat stress management in dairy cattle

In the summer of 2021, an innovative study was conducted on two leading dairy farms in Poland, focusing on the benefits of Levucell SC.

This research examined its effectiveness in supporting dairy cattle during periods of heat stress.

Find out how this innovative yeast can enhance the health and productivity of your dairy herd during warm weather.

Published Jul 15, 2024 | Updated Aug 11, 2024

Dairy cowHeat StressLEVUCELL SC