A trial with Sensehub Poultry on a Herefordshire unit has shown how Bactocell Drink can benefit broilers during stress periods

Please complete the form below to request a copy of the trial summary.

What you will find in the trial summary:

  • Trial methodology
  • Quantified impacts on hock health, pododermatitis, mortality and performance (32-day weights)
  • Correlation indices and return on investment

Download your copy of the Bactocell Drink Trial Summary


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Bactocell Drink allows you to be reactive and offer bird gut support for better returns

Bactocell Drink is a probiotic bacteria solution which can be used in drinking water for a quick gut balance intervention. Soluble and stable up to 5ppm Chlorine Dioxide, it can be used during stress periods to support bird natural defences.

Benefitting hock health, performance and reducing mortality,  it boosts economic returns and can aid welfare.

Click here for more information on Bactocell/Bactocell Drink:

Published Jun 19, 2024 | Updated Jul 23, 2024