Explore our program for Heat stress in ruminants
As temperatures are rising, heat stress becomes a major concern. Awareness about its impacts is growing: consequences are now seen in long-term periods, in all regions. Cattle naturally change their behavior to help alleviate stress which can disrupt digestion, increase inflammation, and reduce performance and health.
Our solutions for heat stress challenges in ruminant production
Lallemand Animal Nutrition has developed a specific approach based on nutrition with documented results to support ruminants during this challenging period.
The rumen is the centerpiece of the cascade of events that links heat stress to performance and health.
As heat stress imbalances rumen microbiota, rumen function is impaired with an increased risk of acidosis. During hot periods, feed intake can also be disrupted by the heating of the silage.
In addition to other physiological stresses due to heat, animal faces an increase in oxidative stress.
Why choose Lallemand program?
As a global leader in yeast and bacteria production, Lallemand Animal Nutrition has developed a multi-solution approach based on nutrition to help address the challenges of heat stress for dairy cows, beef cattle, as well as for small ruminants.
How to detect heat stress in ruminants?
- Shallow breathing
- Increased respiration rate
- Profuse sweating
- Reduced feed intake
- Reduced lying time
- Decreased rumination activity
- Erratic feeding behavior
Key figures about impact of heat stress on ruminants
Want to know more on how to deal with heat stress in ruminants?
Contact an expertTo go further

Technical bulletin
Learn more on how to assess and help mitigate the impact of heat stress in ruminants.
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9Dr. Kung- University of Delaware (waiting Silage team for full reference)
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12Based on 13h/day under THI >68, average THI 72, max THI 85, january in Australia, Queensland. St-Pierre, N. R., Cobanov, B., & Schnitkey, G. (2003). Economic losses from heat stress by US livestock industries1. Journal of Dairy Science, 86(SUPPL. 1), E52–E77.